Alcohol & Drug Policy

Alcohol & Drug Policy



  • City Tavic Sunraysia is committed to a safe, healthy, and production workplace, and is focused on eliminating risks associated with the adverse effects of alcohol and drug use. In accordance with this commitment Employees should not be impaired by Alcohol and/or Other Drugs (AOD) when at work, undertaking work.
  • All Employees should be in a fit condition to perform their duties without compromising the safety of themselves, their clients, colleagues, and members of the community.


  • Ensure Employees are fit for work and carry out their duties in a safe manner unimpaired by drugs or alcohol.
  • Assist Employees at all levels in understanding how the use (and/or abuse) of these substances can impact health, safety and work performance of individuals and their colleagues.
  • Provide appropriate support to Employees who identify with health problems related to the use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Ensure the health and safety of Employees and members of the community is notcompromised.
  • This Policy should be read in conjunction with Council's Drug and Alcohol Procedures document, Guidance on BAC levels for Roles/Activities/Sites, Code of Conduct, and Managing Conduct and Performance Policy andindustry/heavy-vehicle-industry/preventing-alcohol-and-drug-related-harm-on- ourroads/alcohol-and-drug-policy.


  • This Policy applies to all City Taxis Sunraysia employees (including contractors).
  • This policy is not limited to the workplace or work hours and extends to work related functions and events. For example, work lunches, conferences, Christmas parties and functions.
  • This Policy may not cover all potential situations relating to Employees being fit to work.
  • Where the procedure is silent in these situations it is expected Employees will be guided by City Taxis Sunraysia Conduct and Performance Policy.


  • Alcohol The intoxicating constituent in a beverage (eg, beer, wine and spirite)
  • Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Refers to the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream.
  • Drugs Refers to all legal and illegal substances such as pharmaceutical and psychoactive substances or synthetic drugs.Causal (Testing) Periodic testing of Employees may also be undertaken for a period of two years.
  • Drugs Refers to all legal and illegal substances such as pharmaceutical and psychoactive substances or synthetic drugs.
  • City Taxis Sunraysia requires .00 BAC for all drivers at start, during and end of shift.
  • Fit for Work - That the Employee is in a fit and proper condition to work safely and legally.
  • Incident (testing) - Following an incident or where an Employee may have breached or has breached safety precautions or procedures.
  • Not fit for work-An individual whose physical, mental or emotional state is adversely affected, and they are therefore unfit to perform their duties satisfactorily or safely.
  • Reasonable Suspicion of a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs and is therefore not fit for work.
  • City Taxis Sunraysia will accompany and directed employee to their Designated Medical Practitioner.
  • Under the Influence - An Employee who, due to the use of alcohol or drugs, is not acting in their full conscious state of mind and is unfit to perform their duties safely and productively. This includes impaired performance related to coming down from a drug or experiencing the effects of a hangover.
  • Working Hours-The time between the commencement and the conclusion of work activities on behalf of the Council on any one working day. Normal working hours shall include lunch or other meal breaks and business conducted away from the business premises, when recalled working, and includes travel to and from work when the Employee is using a company vehicle.
  • Visitor - Any person who attends any workplace of the Council who is not an Employee or contractor.
  • Workplace Means any site owned, leased, administered, or controlled by City Taxis Sunraysia.


  • All Employees have a duty of care while at work to take reasonable care for their health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • Specifically. Employees are to present Fit for Work and not under the undue influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Employees are to be compliant with the relevant BAC level requirements as outlined in Guidance on BAC levels for Roles/Activities/Sites alcohol and drug-related-harm-on-ourroads/alcohol-and-drug policy
  • Employees may not consume alcohol on company premises, or in the course of employment, without approval for an authorised function has been gained by the CEO (or their delegate).
  • Employees must not sell, share or be in possession of illegal drugs in the workplace.
  • To assist Pakenham Taxis in supporting all Employees and maintain a safe workplace, Employees who suspects a colleague is unfit for work as a result of alcohol or drug use.
  • should immediately raise these concerns with their supervisor or Manager, so that assistance can be provided.
  • Following a confirmed non-negative drug and/or alcohol test, Employees may be required to undertake further testing in accordance with this Policy.

Where an Employee is suspected to be unfit for work/impaired because of alcohol or drug use or had an incident in the workplace they may be tested in accordance with this Policy, Drug and Alcohol Procedures.


  • Where required saliva and/or breath testing will be used. Saliva and breath testing is noninvasive and used to detect recent use, therefore focused only on whether the Employee is fit for work.
  • Testing may be undertaken for the following reasons: pre-employment, Reasonable Suspicion, incident and Causal.


Employee Responsibilities

  • Arrive at work unimpaired by alcohol or other drugs and carry out your normal work activities without exposing yourself or others to health and safety risks.
  • Comply with legal BAC where this is required and/or in compliance with the Victorian Road Rules, or other legislation or regulations. Employees are to refer to the Guidance on BAC levels for Roles/Activities/Sites for full clarification.
  • Clarify with your doctor or pharmacist if the medication you have been provided could impair your ability to safely perform your role. Advise your manager or supervisor if you or your doctor believes your prescribed/over the counter (OTC) medication may affect your work or you are experiencing unexpected side effects. This information will be managed confidentially.
  • Report any concerns to your supervisor immediately if you think alcohol or other drug use by another Employee may affect theirs and/or others safety. This information will be managed confidentially.
  • Comply with any drug and alcohol testing as required by the organisation in line with this Drug and Alcohol Policy and the related Drug and Alcohol Procedures document.
  • Immediately notify your supervisor of any change in your license or permit for vehicles/plant that may affect your ability to undertake your allocated tasks.


  • Ensure all Employees and contractors under their supervision are aware of the terms of this Policy.
  • Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of an issue arising.
  • Provide and maintain a safe working environment that is without risks to the health and safety of Employees, as is reasonably practicable.
  • Manage any change in an employee's work performance that may be due to alcohol or other drug use issues.
  • Instruct an Employee to stop their work immediately and, if necessary, remove them from the workplace where it is suspected an Employee is impaired due to alcohol and/or drugs, and there is a perceived risk to the individual or others. Where this situation arises request a drug/alcohol test immediately via the Manager.
  • Provide drug and alcohol training sessions (online or face to face).
  • Manage any notification/advice from Employees regarding alcohol/drug dependency in accordance with the Procedures.
  • Manage any breaches of the Policy and Procedure in accordance with City Taxis Sunraysia, managing Conduct and Performance Policy.
  • Ensure testing results are managed confidentially.


  • Failure to comply with thic Policy including returning a non-negative drug and/or alcohol test or refusal to participate in a drug and/or alcohol test as directed will be managed in accordance with City Taxis Sunraysia Conduct and Performance Policy. Any action taken will include consideration of the circumstances, frequency of the occurrence and the role and impact of the breach on the duties carried out by the position.


As a reliable service provider, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our passengers. We acknowledge the circumstances of customers, members, employees, and the general community for alcohol and drug misuse.

We assure that our employees and passengers reach home safely and no other people are harmed on the roads.

This policy is applicable to all employees (full-time, part-time, and casual), contractors, sub-contractors, and others who represent our organization.

If you wish to join the team of City Taxis Sunraysia, you have to make sure that you meet all these requirements.

  • You are unfit for work if you have a hangover or the comedown effects of alcohol or drugs.
  • We have the right to take up alcohol and drugs tests in the workplace.
  • If you refuse to take the test, it will be deemed a positive test result, and you have to face the consequences.
  • If the test result is positive, you have to undergo performance management, and you might lose the job.
  • The outcome of alcohol and drug testing will be kept confidential and will be revealed to management only.
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